Wisdom teeth when does swelling go down

14 September 2017

Recovery time after the extraction of wisdom teeth  varies from person to person and can depend largely on the type of extraction that was required. To minimise disruption to your day-to-day activities it is important to follow the post-operative instructions given by your dentist.

There are some other helpful things you can do to aid recovery following tooth removal and to experience pain free dentistry.

What symptoms might occur following treatment?

  • Numbness: Immediately after surgery you may still be numb from the local anaesthetic for several hours and you should be careful to avoid biting these areas. Sometimes numbness can persist for extended periods of time. Your dentist or surgeon will monitor this.
  • Swelling: This usually peaks two to three days after surgery and begins to subside after four to five days. The amount of swelling will depend on how difficult the extractions were. An ice pack can be used to help reduce swelling.
  • Discomfort: This is to be expected after surgery. You may be prescribed some painkillers, which you should take as required. Avoid aspirin as this will increase bleeding (see below).
  • Bleeding: It is normal to have some bleeding from the surgical site. You will be provided with gauze packs, which can be used to bite down on and apply direct pressure to the sites. If bleeding is persistent or you are worried, contact your dentist or surgeon.
  • Bruising: It is normal to have some degree of bruising on your cheeks once the swelling has gone down. These will fade after a few days.
  • Infection: Although uncommon, infection can occur. This can present approximately three to four days after surgery – as late swelling, pain, and/or discharge. If you suffer infection, you may be prescribed antibiotics; it is important to complete the course, even in the absence of problems.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom tooth removal?

The greater the impaction of your wisdom teeth, the more complicated the removal will be. This can increase the time it takes to recover from the surgery.

Broadly speaking, it can take four to seven days to recover from wisdom tooth extractions, although some symptoms can take up to two weeks to resolve completely.

You may have stitches placed after your extraction(s) which will usually dissolve or fall out after seven days; otherwise they will be removed by your dentist or surgeon.

How to make the recovery from wisdom teeth removal faster and easier?

There are some things that you can do to make recovery from wisdom tooth removal a little faster or easier:

  • You must avoid smoking or consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours after surgery. Otherwise you increase the chance of getting dry socket – a delay in the healing of the site that can cause significant pain and discomfort.
  • Try an all-liquid diet for the first couple of days like soup and smoothies. Avoid hard or crunchy foods to prevent trauma to the surgery site and avoid unnecessary discomfort. Hot foods should also be limited as they can increase the amount of bleeding.
  • Do not use a straw for 48 hours. Drinking from a straw can disrupt the natural formation of a blood clot at the extraction site and delay proper healing.
  • Avoid any strenuous activity for the first two to three days.
  • Use an ice pack on the sides of your face to ease discomfort and help with swelling. This should be applied for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off during the first 24 hours.
  • Saltwater mouth rinses used after 24 hours, will help to keep the surgical site cleansed and improve healing.
  • Sleep with your head slightly elevated to help minimise bleeding.
  • Be as sedentary as you possibly can for the first two or three days after surgery as movement can increase blood flow.
  • Change your dressing/mouth pads regularly to maintain hygiene and soak up the excess blood.

If you have any questions, difficulties or concerns after your wisdom tooth removal surgery, do not hesitate to contact your dentist or surgeon, as they will be able to advise you.

Following the wisdom tooth extraction aftercare instructions is important to ensure a healthy and speedy recovery. After a wisdom teeth removal, you should follow the guideline of your dentist to alleviate swelling, pain, and other related complications.

What to do right after a tooth extraction

  • Place a gauze pad over the surgery area to minimize bleeding
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication to soothe the pain and discomfort
  • Minimize your activities for a day or two
  • Apply a cold pack on the cheeks outside the wisdom teeth removal site to reduce swelling with a combo of 15 minutes on and off
  • Stay away from alcohol, smoking as it can disturb the blood clot and make you prone to dry socket
  • Sucking from a straw can also do the same so avoid it for the first 7-10 days

How To Stop Bleeding At Tooth Extraction Site?

One should expect slight bleeding on the tooth extraction site after you are done with the surgery. You can minimize the bleeding by placing a gauze pad and firmly biting on it for about half an hour.

Swelling after a tooth extraction

Swelling around the cheeks, gums, or the surrounding areas is common after a tooth extraction which will not be visible until a day has passed after the surgery.
For a simple tooth removal surgery, you can expect minor swelling, but if it’s a major surgery like the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth or more than one tooth, the swelling can be significant.

How Long Does Swelling Last After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Swelling and pain after a wisdom tooth extraction will last for some time and get better within 2-3 days. In the meantime, follow the below instruction to make yourself comfortable.

Apply an ice pack
You can get rid of swelling after tooth extraction by applying an ice pack to the outside of the surgical site.

Elevate your head
Sit in an upright position and keep your head above the heart. When you plan to lay down or sleep, use extra pillows to keep your head elevated. This can help minimize the swelling.

Take pain medication
Take OTC pain relievers to get rid of swelling and discomfort.

Apply a warm compress
Applying a warm compress for 15 minutes and then wait for 15 minutes. Repeat. This can also help alleviate the swelling.

Saltwater rinse
Take a glass of salty warm water and rinse your mouth multiple times a day to get rid of harmful bacteria and minimize the swelling. But remember to avoid spitting as it can be bad for you.

Eat a soft food or liquid diet.
In terms of eating, only go with soft and easy to chew foods for the first few days. Going on a liquid or semi-liquid diet will work best for you. Gradually when the wisdom tooth extraction site begins to heal, and there’s no pain or swelling, you can return to your normal diet. Yogurts, scrambled eggs, and smoothies are some excellent options.

Contact Us

Here at Hermosa Dentistry, we have been providing excellent dental care to the patients living in and around Porter, Texas. For any questions regarding wisdom teeth removal or simple tooth extractions or to schedule an appointment, contact our office at (281) 747-7004.


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