Can you use salicylic acid and niacinamide

Are you also juggling between the do’s and don’ts of mixing skin care ingredients? Among so many available products, it can be a daunting task to decide which combo of ingredients would eliminate your skin woes and give that much-coveted glow and petal-soft skin.  Salicylic acid and niacinamide are the superhero ingredients in skin care that target many skin problems. But before you decide to include these power ingredients in your skin care routine, it is good to understand their compatibility. Scientific research studies reveal that pH value of salicylic acid lies between 3 and 4 whereas niacinamide has a pH value of 5 - 7.5. Niacinamide can increase the pH value of salicylic acid if it is applied immediately after salicylic acid.  As a result of this, mixing salicylic acid and niacinamide can decrease their effectiveness for skin and also trigger skin irritation and redness. We are here to decode all the confusion about salicylic acid and niacinamide and make it easier for you to perfectly layer them on your face.


Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin that offers a wide range of benefits for your skin.  It is considered great for all skin types. The major benefits of using niacinamide include skin brightening action, anti-aging properties, and reinforcement of the skin barrier. Niacinamide stimulates the synthesis of the major skin barrier named ceramides. It also helps to refine skin texture by minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores.

Niacinamide is considered an effective ingredient to treat melasma and hyperpigmentation. A research study published in British Journal of Dermatology has demonstrated that topical 5% niacinamide worked greatly to reduce hyperpigmentation and improve skin texture.

Niacinamide visibly decreases fine lines and wrinkles by boosting collagen production and neutralizing free radical damage. It has been observed that niacinamide is a powerful antioxidant that guards your skin against sun damage and other extrinsic factors.

Niacinamide works brilliantly for people having oily and acne-prone skin types. Anti-inflammatory properties help to provide relief in inflammation and redness caused by acne. While sebum regulating properties of niacinamide prevent overproduction of sebum that cause acne formation.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA).  It is the most important ingredient in acne treatment products.  The oil-soluble properties of BHA enable its penetration into the pores of your skin to remove dead cells, bacteria, and other impurities. 

Anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties of salicylic help to kill acne bacteria and fix inflammation .Various research studies have confirmed that salicylic acid offers great results to treat acne vulgaris.

Salicylic acid has gentle exfoliating action on the skin which slough off dead cells and encourages cell renewal. Salicylic acid offers anti aging benefits. When used regularly, it helps to prevent whiteheads and blackheads from forming.

If you are dealing with  inflammatory acne or have  acne prone skin, using skin  skincare products with salicylic acid can be beneficial.

How to use salicylic acid with niacinamide?

Your skin can embrace the benefits of both niacinamide and salicylic acid when there is a correct wait time among both. If you want to use both ingredients for your skin, make sure to maintain a gap of 25-30 minutes.  Additionally, you can use both ingredients at different times of the day. Whether you decide to use niacinamide or salicylic acid in your morning skin care routine, it is essential to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen.  Above all, before picking your skin care products, it is good to know what your skin actually needs.


Clogged pores are considered the biggest enemy of your skin. When your skin pores are congested, they can lead to whiteheads, blackheads, acne, rough skin texture, and dull complexion. Irrespective of your skin type, dermatologists advise using skin care products that do not cause clogging of pores to attain healthy and naturally glowing skin . Using non-comedogenic, sulphates, and paraben-free skin care products is a perfect choice to keep your pores clean and skin breathable.

Salicylic Acid and Niacinamide in the skincare industry have their own share of benefits. While the former is known for its skin-smoothing and clarifying effects, the latter qualifies for skin healing properties. 

With a myriad of advantages, it's only natural that people are interested in adding both of these active ingredients to their skincare routines! 

But how well do they work together?

Here's what you need to know about what they can do for your skin, and tips on how to pair Salicylic Acid with Niacinamide for the best results. 

Can You Use Salicylic Acid with Niacinamide?

You can. But before you combine these active ingredients, it is important to know how, when and in what percentage to pair them.

How to pair them to get the best results?

Clearly, both Salicylic Acid and Niacinamide have similar anti-ageing and anti-acne benefits, as well as a few unique qualities for each of them. Let’s know!

  • One is oil-soluble, while the other is water-soluble. This isn't a problem, because the skin also has a mix of moisture and lipids letting different ingredients interact in different ways. But what makes using these actives together a little tricky is actually their pH levels .
  • Being an acid, salicylic acid has a lower pH of about 3.0 to 4.0. Niacinamide, on the other hand, is less acidic and closer to neutral. It works best at a higher pH of roughly 6.0. If you apply the two ingredients at the same time, they will each affect the pH of the other, leading to a less-effective result. But you can still use both of them in the same skincare routine.
When to use Salicylic Acid with Niacinamide together?

To get the most out of these active ingredients, it's best to apply them separately. Here are a few different ways you can do this 

  • You may wait about 30 minutes after applying salicylic acid, to give your skin the chance to absorb the product and regulate its pH to a more neutral level. Then apply your niacinamide product, knowing that your skin is ready to take it in.
  • Another option is to use one of these ingredients in your morning routine and the other one in the evening. You can also use them on alternating days. You will still get the benefits of both of them, but it may take a little bit longer to see their full effect. 
What are the most effective percentages to use?

Although both Niacinamide and Salicylic Acid have inflammatory effects, if used correctly. But Attention! 

They can also cause some irritation if you're not careful. The percentage of the active ingredient in the product is an important factor to consider. The best way to make sure you're using the right dose for you is through cautious experimentation. Everyone's skin is different, and the environment you're in will also affect how your skin reacts.

However, there are some general guidelines to help you figure out the best dose for you. Niacinamide works well for most people in formulations from 3% to 5%

Some products boast a concentration of 10% niacinamide, but at that level, skin does not receive any additional benefits, instead chances of adverse skin reactions can increase. More is not always better in this case.

While using salicylic acid, 1% concentration is enough for your acne-prone skin. In most cases, adverse skin reactions such as dryness, tingling, and irritation are found to occur with high concentrations of salicylic acid.

Final Takeaway 

The important thing to remember is that you don't have to use the highest percentage possible to see great results. Consistent use of a smaller dose that doesn't cause irritation is the best way to see the changes you're looking for. Slow and steady will help you move forward without frustrating irritation to slow your progress. 


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