How long after labiaplasty can i take a bath

Many women are bothered by protruding labia that are especially noticeable when wearing a bathing suit or other tight clothing such as yoga pants or tights. That’s why we started Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation––to provide these procedures on top of our essential urogynecological duties. But it’s July already, so, what do you do when summer is already here and you want to swim?

The labiaplasty procedure takes a few hours, then swimming is usually avoided for 2-4 weeks. A quick break from the pool and you can be back in a relatively short amount of time with greater comfort and confidence. If you are bothered by nagging, tugging, and bulging labia, you may be a good candidate for labiaplasty surgery.

No one says you can’t lounge by the pool with a nice summer drink, just can’t plunge in until healed! We see you after surgery to ensure your incisions are healing well and you are comfortable and happy with your results. We’re also always just a phone call away for our patients which makes the recovery process a little easier.

Got questions? Need an appointment? We’re here to help!

BEFORE Surgery

  • Shaving: Shave entire area prior to the procedure.
  • Hibiclens: The night before surgery, clean labia with Hibiclens then rinse off thoroughly with water. (Hibiclens is an anti-bacterial surgical soap that may be purchased over-the-counter).
  • EMLA: apply a thick layer of the cream to the labia and clitoral skin 4 hours before your procedure; rubbing the cream in thoroughly to all areas including the skin folds. Apply saran wrap to help the cream absorb. Repeat the EMLA application 2 hours before surgery. Leave the EMLA cream on your skin – it will be removed in the office immediately prior to your procedure.
  • 1 hour before surgery take the following medications (tablets by mouth):
    • 2 Oxycodone
    • 2 Xanax
  • Bring the remainder of the Xanax and 2 of the Oxycodone with you to the procedure so that additional medication may be issued if needed.
  • Antibiotics will be issued to you in the office the day of your procedure.

**Please have someone drive you to and from the office**

AFTER Surgery

  • Showering: In the shower, for the first week after surgery, apply a very small amount of Hibiclens to the labia. Do not apply any other soaps, creams, lotions, or wipes to the vulva as they are irritating. Rinse off the Hibiclens thoroughly. Hold open the vaginal area allowing fresh shower water to run over the vulva for at least a couple minutes at the end of each shower. The water helps the area heal, and also removes all the Hibiclens that is irritating to the vulvar skin. After the shower, dry the area completely.  Use a hair dryer if possible.
  • Ice: Ice packs can be used for pain control and swelling after surgery; particularly in the first 24 hours.
  • Baths: After the first 24 hours, take warm water baths after the shower to decrease swelling.
  • Voiding: Urine can be irritating to the incisions. Rinse the area with water using your peri-bottle after urination, and then blot area dry.
  • Clothing: Wear loose clothing the first 2 days after surgery for comfort and to allow the incisions to stay dry.
  • Driving: You may resume driving once narcotic medications are discontinued.
  • Intercourse:  Resume sexual relations around 6 weeks after surgery.  Ultimately, the patient decides when she is ready, once the incision is healed and sutures have dissolved.
  • Activity:  Resume normal activity as tolerated.

Use Tampons for first period after procedure to prevent irritation from pads.

Got questions? Need an appointment? We’re here to help!

How long after labiaplasty can i take a bath

Posted on May 16, 2016 in General

Labiaplasty has increased in popularity over recent years.  Many patients seek labial reduction given discomfort when wearing tight clothing or self-consciousness regarding appearance.  Labiaplasty is performed as out-patient surgery, most commonly under local freezing.  It is generally very well-tolerated with high reported satisfaction rates.  Here are five tips to optimize labiaplasty aftercare:

  1. Perform meticulous incision care

    • Incision care is one of the most important aspects of labiaplasty aftercare.  You may resume showering the day following surgery.  I recommend gently washing your incisions with soap and running water over the first two weeks.  Gently pat the region dry afterwards and apply a light application of vaseline and a thin pad in your undergarment.  It is expected to experience mild bleeding during early healing.  This will taper over the first days to light spotting.
  2. Minimize activity post-operatively during labiaplasty aftercare

    • It is important to avoid exercise, strenuous activity, or heavy lifting over 5 lbs for one month following labiaplasty.  These activity restrictions will lower risk of bleeding and increased swelling at the surgical site.  When you are standing, the labial tissues are dependant.  Swelling may increase when you stand for any length of time during early healing.  Increased friction may also result at the incisions with prolonged walking.  For the first 48 hours, applying cold compresses while lying down is important to reduce swelling.  This was discussed in detail in a recent blog posting.
  3. Take prescribed analgesia as directed

    • Prescription pain medication may be required for a couple of days post-operatively.  Patients are then encouraged to wean from the prescription medication and to take Tylenol plain or extra-strength as able.  It is important to take pain medication when experiencing discomfort.  Your heart rate and blood pressure increase when experiencing pain, which may increase risk of bleeding post-operatively if not controlled.  Patients may resume driving when no longer taking prescription pain medication.  Discomfort is also reduced by applying frequent cold compresses.
  4. Allow adequate recovery time for labiaplasty aftercare

    • It is important allow adequate time following labiaplasty before returning to work or academic obligations.  Many patients choose to undergo labiaplasty on a Wednesday or Thursday and are generally able to return to desk job equivalent duties by the following Monday.  Pushing yourself to return to work sooner may compromise healing by increasing swelling and risk of wound healing complications.
  5. Allow adequate healing time before judging aesthetic results

    • Although patients are often eager to assess the aesthetic outcome following labiaplasty, the goal over the first few weeks is for incisions to heal without complication.  It is important to be patient as your incisions heal and swelling resolves.  Early results may become apparent within the first few weeks of surgery.  Final results are achieved many months, even up to one year, later as scar maturation is completed.  I recommend against taking frequent photographs of the region during early healing.  Positioning for photographs may place additional tension on your incisions and increase risk of wound separation.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss labiaplasty with Dr. Stephanie Power.  Labiaplasty is performed with all-female staff to ensure patient comfort and privacy.

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When can I bathe after labiaplasty?

In the immediate period after your labiaplasty, you'll be unable to shower. You must wait 48 hours before you have a shower and clean the affected area.

How long does labiaplasty take to fully heal?

Before undergoing a revision, labiaplasty recovery timeline should take about 6 to 12 months. This should be enough time for the vagina to completely heal. Undergoing another surgery should also wait for at last until your body is ready for it.

What can you not do after labiaplasty?

It is important to avoid exercise, strenuous activity, or heavy lifting over 5 lbs for one month following labiaplasty. These activity restrictions will lower risk of bleeding and increased swelling at the surgical site.

How long does it take for stitches to come out after labiaplasty?

During the labiaplasty procedure, plastic surgeons frequently use dissolvable stitches in this location that are typically gone by 3-4 weeks. Often the scar blends in very well into the labia minora tissue, which naturally has multiple wrinkles and folds.