How many ounces of water should you drink while breastfeeding

Fluid, diet and rest will help you build and maintain a good milk supply. You will find you are thirstier when you are breastfeeding. Increase your fluid intake enough to quench your thirst.

Try to include three or more servings of milk products daily. If you can’t drink milk; eat or drink other dairy products such as cheese, ice cream, buttermilk and yogurt. If you choose not to eat dairy products consider non-dairy sources of calcium such as broccoli, spinach and oranges.

It is helpful to drink an 8-ounce glass of water, juice, or milk at each meal and every time you breastfeed. Some mothers find that having something warm to drink helps them relax and triggers the letdown reflex.

Avoid drinks that contain caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate milk), or at least limit yourself to no more than two 8-ounce glasses or cups per day. Avoid alcohol as well.

A balanced diet is also important for breastfeeding mothers. Increase the amount you eat and drink by 500 calories a day to produce good milk supply and keep you healthy. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and cheese. If you find that certain foods don’t agree with you, like vegetables that give you gas (broccoli, cabbage, onions and garlic), avoid them. If you can’t or don’t eat or drink dairy products, talk to your doctor about taking calcium tablets.

At the same time, it is not necessary for the lactating mother to stick to a rigid diet of “the right foods” in order to breastfeed. Achieving and maintaining a good diet is more important. The breastfeeding mother can breastfeed even if her diet is not optimal. All foods can be taken in moderation including ethnic and family favorites. Most breastfed babies go to family foods easier in the second half of the first year, because they have already experienced these tastes in the breastmilk.

What Should I Eat?

Dietary recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding moms can be found on the United States Department of Agriculture website: Click on Life Stages, then Adults to find the recommendations for moms and moms-to-be. You can also click on dairy and then non-dairy sources of calcium for a complete list of alternatives.

Works Cited

Lawrence, Ruth A. & Lawrence, Robert M. “Breastfeeding, A Guide for the Medical Professional”, Eighth edition, ELSEVIER, 2016.

Wambach, Karen and Riordan, Jan “Breastfeeding and Human Lactation”, Fourth edition, Jones & Bartlett, 2010.

Sorry, but there’s no specific number to stick to. Just drink to thirst. Breastfeeding does make you thirsty, and as long as you’re drinking enough to satisfy that thirst, you’re fine. The amount of water needed varies from mom-to-mom and day-to-day; you’ll probably drink more on a hot day or when you’re extremely active. One way to tell if you’re adequately hydrated: check your pee. If your urine is pale yellow, you’re taking in enough fluids. If it’s darker, drink some extra fluid.

Of course, remembering to actually drink water can be a bit of a challenge when you’re focused on a newborn. So keep a glass or bottle of water handy. Place one near the glider or chair where you breastfeed most and another in your baby’s room, or wherever else you frequently spend time. Drink some water every time you sit down to nurse your baby.

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How much water should I drink while breastfeeding? This is a question women all over the world ask. Everyone has an “expert” opinion about how much water you should drink.

Not to mention the old wives’ tale that tells us to drink more water if we want more milk. We’ll go over that and more in this article, plus, get to the answer you’re looking for. Fill your glass and follow along.

It’s easy for a new mom to get caught up in her new duties and forget to drink enough water. A non-nursing woman should ideally drink around nine glasses of water every day. Does this amount change for the breastfeeding mom?

Over and above the recommended daily water intake, you’ll need to account for your baby’s needs. This means that you’ll need to increase your daily intake by approximately three glasses per day, meaning you need to consume about 12 glasses (1). This will ensure that there’s sufficient water for both you and your baby.

But won’t that much water dilute my milk? Not at all. Here’s the thing, your body is made up of approximately 60 percent water, and around 87 percent of breast milk is water (2). You and the baby need water to function — think digestion, flushing out toxins, and everything else that water does for our bodies.

There are other factors that can drain water from your body and require you to replenish it even more. These include hot weather, intense exercise, and illnesses that result in diarrhea, vomiting, or fever.

That said, there is such a thing as “overhydration,” which can force the body to push out excess water as urine. The result? Too many visits to the bathroom and a decrease in your milk supply, since water has been diverted from the breasts.

While overhydration isn’t typically dangerous for a healthy woman, it can lead to dangerous changes in body chemistry for people with certain conditions (3).

Editor's Note:

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Why You Should Drink Water

While pregnant, it’s common to hear the phrase “eating for two.” The same goes for breastfeeding. Everything you consume has a potential impact on you and your baby’s health, including the amount of water you drink.

Here are some solid reasons why you need to drink the recommended amount of water daily:

1. Helps You Both Stay Hydrated

For the breastfeeding mom, your body knows that the baby’s nutritional needs to come first. This means some of the fluids in your body will be diverted to milk production.

In the process, you lose the fluids you need to function optimally, a scenario that may lead to dehydration. If you don’t replenish your fluids, your baby may end up becoming dehydrated, as well, from a decrease in your milk supply (4). Drinking water replenishes lost fluids and keeps both you and your baby healthy.

2. Keeps Constipation at Bay

Constipation is anyone’s nightmare, pure and simple. I can’t even begin to explain the pain a new mom feels while trying to pass hard stools, especially after having just gone through childbirth. This pain is on another level.

Rather than dread bathroom visits, or sit there screaming in silence as you pass a painful stool, drink more water to help you out.

3. Affects Milk Supply

Here comes the age-old question: Does drinking water increase milk supply? According to research published in the journal Pediatrics, drinking lots of water will not necessarily increase the amount of milk you produce (5).

However, when you don’t have enough fluids in your body, your milk supply will be affected. Low milk production means your baby will spend more time suckling to satiate their hunger, but will get less milk overall.

Chances are that you will start experiencing dizziness, irritability, and even pain in your breasts. Trust me, you don’t want to go there.

Top Signs That You’re Dehydrated

Signs of dehydration will vary from one mom to the next. If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already mildly dehydrated. Dark-colored urine is also one of the clearest indicators that you need to drink more water. Other signs include:

  • Chapped lips.
  • Constipation.
  • Headaches.
  • Fatigue or dizziness.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Irritability.
  • Reduced milk supply.
  • Infrequent visits to the bathroom. Less than 4 times per day would be a clear indication that something isn’t quite right. Postpartum mommies tend to go more often up to 8 weeks after birth, due to pressure on the bladder (6).

Tips for Staying Hydrated

With your hands full, you may find it hard to keep track of the water you need to drink every day. Here are some tips to help you along:

  • Do you have a favorite breastfeeding spot? Keep a jug of water there and refill your glass after you breastfeed.
  • Carry a bottle of water wherever you go, and keep it within sight so you don’t forget to actually drink from it.
  • If you can’t stand the taste of plain water, try infusing it with lemon, mint, cucumber or even strawberries.
  • Minimize your sugar intake; sugar actually hinders the absorption of water by your body.
  • Help yourself to foods that have high water content, like cucumbers, watermelons, and soups.
  • Stay away from caffeinated drinks, sodas, and alcohol, as these cause dehydration.
  • Check out and download a hydration app, such as Waterlogged, on your phone. It will help you track your water uptake.

Drink Up, Mama

As a breastfeeding mom, you need to drink water frequently. Not only does it keep you and the baby hydrated, but it also prevents constipation, among other things. When you don’t drink enough, your milk supply could be affected as well.

Make it your goal to drink water throughout the day. If you tend to be a little forgetful, download a hydration app that will remind you to drink up.

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How much water should I be drinking while breastfeeding?

As a nursing mother, you need about 16 cups per day of water, which can come from food, beverages and drinking water, to compensate for the extra water that is used to make milk. One way to help you get the fluids you need is to drink a large glass of water each time you breastfeed your baby.

Does drinking water increase breast milk?

While you definitely want to stay hydrated and quench your thirst while breastfeeding, drinking extra is unnecessary. According to a research review published in 2014 by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no clinical evidence supports that increased fluid intake helps increase milk production.

What happens if I don't drink enough water while breastfeeding?

Symptoms of dehydration while breastfeeding Decreased milk production. Fatigue. Muscles cramps. Headaches.


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