Live the life you ve always dreamed of

’Tis the season of setting big goals and resolutions for ourselves.

But if you're like many people, doing this might not really resonate with you—or really help you live the life you want. You aim too big or too small. You don't reach the goal by the time you wanted and feel disappointed in yourself. Or you just generally feel stressed out about achieving those goals—and it's no fun.

Danielle LaPorte felt the same way—until she discovered an amazing new way to go about living the life she wanted. Instead of creating a list of things she wanted to do this week, this quarter, or in her life at large, she decided how she wanted to feel and based all of her decisions off of that. In the video below, she explains how you can go about setting your own "core desired values" and living a life with less stress and more of what you love.

Photo of brain imagining courtesy of Shutterstock.

Live the life you ve always dreamed of

The Muse is a values-based careers site that helps people navigate every aspect of their careers and search for jobs at companies whose people, benefits, and values align with their unique professional needs. The Muse offers expert advice, job opportunities, a peek behind the scenes at companies hiring now, and career coaching services. The current team of writers and editors behind The Muse’s advice section includes Regina Borsellino, Brooke Katz, Rebeca Piccardo, Devin Tomb, and Stav Ziv—and over the years has included many other talented staffers! You can also find The Muse on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and Flipboard.

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Consider this: Only 8 percent of the population will achieve their New Year’s resolution.

Related: 5 Strategies for Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Work

So why do we keep writing resolutions year after year expecting different results, despite the high failure rates? Sounds more like Einstein’s definition of insanity.

Most of us fail to achieve our resolutions because unless we establish a clear and precise picture of who we want to be and what we want to do or have, it will never come to pass. You’ll keep on drifting aimlessly in your self-fulfilling prophecy, settling for who you see you are instead of believing in who you can become, never realizing your full potential and eventually giving up on your resolutions before you reach the finish line.

Aren’t you ready for a fresh approach this year?

It starts by creating a vision of who you want to become. Seeing is believing, so walk by sight and believe that your best days are ahead of you. Ready?

Related: 3 Ways to Set the Perfect New Year’s Resolution

1. Picture your future.  

Anyone who’s achieved anything in this world started with a vision. Create a picture of who you’re becoming, not who you are today. Think of who you want to be and what you want to do or have. Imagine what it would look, feel, sound, taste and smell like. Snap that photograph of yourself according to your vision.

2. Focus on your potential.

Whatever you focus on expands, so shift your focus on your potential and the upsides of life, not your problems and the downsides. Seeing is believing, so now that you can see it, you can believe in the person you’re becoming. That picture becomes the new point of focus, your target, your measurable destinationNow you know exactly where you’re going.

3. Stick with it.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Never let your environment, other people’s beliefs or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions. Even in the face of doubt or controversy, stick with it no matter what. Do not give up regardless of the difficulties you will face.

4. Walk in the direction of your vision.

Now that you know where you’re going and who you’re becoming, take daily action in the direction of your vision until you pick up momentum. Think of your vision as your destination and take steps in the direction of your vision. 

5. Be it.

All the cumulative actions, thoughts and behaviors will lead you in accomplishing your journey to be the person you created in the photographs. Live it.

Related: 5 Simple Steps to Plan Your Dream Life

Pazit Perez

Pazit Perez helps people create the highest, grandest, most extraordinary vision for their life. She believes you become what you believe. She’s Canada’s first law-of-attraction photographer, owner and founder of Phototherapy® and the #loveYOURSOULfie movement. She’s been featured on Breakfast TV, Passion CJAD800, Wise Woman Canada, Ask Diana and MTLBlog’s “The Most Boss Babes in Montreal.”

How do you live the life you’ve imagined?

Choose a quote, write it down and place it where you can see every day as the first step in your commitment to live a life that you’ve imagined. 1. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau

What are the best quotes to live your dreams?

1. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau. 2. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~Walt Disney. 3. “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it! ~Goethe.

Do you have the power of choice to fulfill your dreams?

In spite of our mental blocks or other obstacles, we have the capacity to commit to our dream, to exercise our often-underutilized power of choice. The choice to take control of our lives and go after what we most want. It will take some life adjustments, belief in ourselves and steady focus on fulfilling the dream.

Why can’t I act on my Dreams?

However, once we imagine something, we may not act on it because of fear, self-doubt and life circumstances, preventing us from living to our potential. In spite of our mental blocks or other obstacles, we have the capacity to commit to our dream, to exercise our often-underutilized power of choice.

Who said live the life you've dreamed?

Ralph Waldo Emerson - Floating Quote - Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true. Something went wrong.

What is the best motto in life about dreams?

The Best Dream Big Quotes to Inspire You to Follow Yours.
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. ... .
“Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ... .
“Ask yourself, 'How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?.

What is the one quote that you live by?

If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased. All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them. Always be true to your friends, just as you are to yourself. Plant your garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

How do I live a life quote?

Live your life to the fullest and cherish every day as if it were your last..
Live the life you've dreamed. – ... .
Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays. ... .
Live life to the fullest, for the future is scarce. – ... .
A life without cause is a life without effect. –.