Second pregnancy early symptoms before missed period

Does pregnancy get easier each time? Here’s what to expect with your second child.

When I found out I was pregnant with my second daughter, seasoned moms advised me that some symptoms would be different this time around. While things began much the same way for me—with prescription-worthy nauseathere were definitely some noticeable differences as my second pregnancy progressed. Some changes were for the better (shorter labour) and others were worse (stronger afterpains). I went to the experts for an explanation of how, and why, subsequent pregnancies can differ.

1. You show sooner in your second pregnancy

Because your uterus doesn’t quite shrink back to its original size after pregnancy, your body already has a head start. “Your uterus has done this before,” explains obstetrician Jillian Coolen, a mother of three in Halifax. “Your ligaments and muscles have stretched and your pregnancy will show earlier.” Coolen jokes that she once made a comment to one of her best friends, also a mother of three, about how fast she was showing with her second pregnancy. “She said, ‘Just wait ’til your third! You’re going to need maternity pants the day after you get a positive pregnancy test,’ and she was nearly right.”

2. You feel movement earlier

“You’re more bodily aware,” says Nicola Strydom, a registered midwife and mom of two in Calgary. “The first time you’re pregnant, you might think the movements are gas, but the second time, you recognize the flutters as the baby’s movement.”

3. You’re more tired

Sure, during this pregnancy you also have a small child to chase, in addition to the normal fatigue of pregnancy, but that’s not the only cause. “Women in their second pregnancies often forget to take the supplements that are recommended,” Strydom says. Prenatal vitamins can affect energy levels; your care provider may also prescribe iron supplements to boost energy.

4. You have more aches and pains

The body very quickly begins to relax its joints, leading to more body aches with the second baby than the first. The hormone relaxin (which typically increases in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, then decreases to a plateau around 24 weeks), seems to be more effective during second pregnancies, reports Coolen. The baby may also lie lower in the abdomen, due to prior stretching, which can cause backaches, loose hips and round ligament pain. “I had a lot of sacroiliac [SI] joint pain and discomfort that started earlier in my second pregnancy,” says Coolen. “And I’ve definitely seen that in my patients as well. But it usually resolves itself right after the delivery.”

5. You feel more Braxton Hicks contractions in your second pregnancy

“Since you’ve felt an effective, real contraction before, your body recognizes those Braxton Hicks more,” says Strydom. “The first time, you might have just thought it was the baby moving.”

6. Your labour is shorter

“That’s a well-established medical fact,” confirms Coolen. “The uterus and cervix have been through this before, so all phases of labour, right through to pushing, are shorter for second-time moms.” One study shows that first-time moms average nine hours of active labour and an hour of pushing, while second-timers spend an average of six hours in active labour and half an hour pushing. (Now there’s something to look forward to!)

7. Your afterpains are worse

After your second baby, the uterus has less muscle tone than the first time, and is more aggressive at clamping down as quickly as possible to decrease your chances of bleeding. This results in stronger afterpains, the postpartum contractions that bring the uterus back down to size. (They may be most noticeable when breastfeeding, as nursing releases oxytocin, which can trigger the contractions.)

Experts agree that these symptoms continue to progress for subsequent pregnancies as well. As a perfectly content mom of two, I’ll just have to take their word for it.

Second Pregnancy Symptoms, Differences & Ways To Cope With Them

Irrespective of whether it is your first pregnancy or second pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms are generally common across each pregnancy. But sometimes, there may be some early signs of second pregnancy before missed period that can cause you to feel nervous and anxious. Therefore, understanding the reason behind their occurrence is important.

Read this post as we help you understand everything about the symptoms you experience in your second pregnancy, including ways to cope with them.

How Are Second Pregnancy Symptoms Different From First?

According to the books ‘Your Second Pregnancy,’ by Katie Tamony and ‘Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, 19th Edition’ by Philip N. Baker and Louise Kenny, here are some of the ways a second pregnancy can probably differ from the first. However, it may or may not be true in individual cases.

  1. Bump gets bigger sooner: The stomach muscles are weaker than the first time. As they have already been stretched once before, the abdominal muscles are less resistant to stretching the second time, and the belly is likely to show soon as the baby starts to grow.
  1. Breast changes: Change in breasts is common during pregnancy, but the breasts might become more tender and painful during the second pregnancy. They may become more sensitive when you are breastfeeding, and the nipples may also hurt more. The pigmented area around the nipple, called the areola, gets darker.
  1. Early fetal movements: In the second pregnancy, you may feel the baby kicks and movements sooner because you might identify the sensations sooner.
  1. Braxton-Hicks contractions are different: You may feel contractions earlier in a second pregnancy than you did in the first pregnancy. These false contractions are a body’s way of preparing for labor. You might also experience post-birth contractions.
  1. Labor is shorter: Since your body has already gone through the process of childbirth once, it could take less time for cervical dilation and effacement (thining) the second time. First-time labor lasts for an average of eight hours, whereas the delivery after second pregnancy has an average of five hours.
  1. Fatigue: You might feel more tired in second or subsequent pregnancies than in your first one. It could be because you are already a mom trying to meet the demands of your older child while dealing with pregnancy fatigue. You may have less time to rest and less pampering from your partner that may all add up to your fatigue.
  1. Carrying low: Your uterine muscles may lose their firmness, and might not be the same as they were in the first pregnancy. They may not support the baby as they did before, and the baby might drop lower in the abdomen.
  1. Afterbirth pains: You might have intense afterbirth pains and contractions, which are the body’s way of shrinking back the uterus to its pre-pregnancy state. Since the uterus is bigger with the second pregnancy, it could be more painful as it gets contracted.
  1. Back pain: Back pain may increase with the subsequent pregnancy. It might develop due to the shifting of the center of gravity to accommodate the growing uterus. The pain could be intense since the bump shows up earlier in the second pregnancy.
  1. Breastfeeding becomes easier: You have already done it before, and you may have a better idea of what to do next. Milk might come in easier in the second pregnancy.

Do You Experience Any Symptoms That You Did The First Time?

Some of the usual pregnancy symptoms you noticed in your first pregnancy may recur. They include:

  • Morning sickness
  • Frequent urination
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Bloating and constipation
  • Mood swings
  • Nasal congestion

Some other experiences may also recur the second time.

Do Your Pregnancy Complications Reappear This Time?

The complications you had in the previous pregnancy are likely to occur in the successive pregnancy as well.

Complications such as high blood pressure, premature labor, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or postpartum depression might also occur in the subsequent pregnancy, especially in the case of more than one fetus (1). However, there is no definite evidence to back this.

If you are apprehensive of any possible complications the second time, talk to your doctor about it, and see if they can be avoided.

Can You Test Earlier With The Second Pregnancy?

You may not even require a pregnancy test to confirm your second pregnancy, as you are likely to show the symptoms sooner than you did before, and you’ll know it. However, it is best to wait until a week after you have missed your period to get an accurate and a meaningful pregnancy test result.

Is The Second Baby Easier To Deliver?

Second babies are usually easier and faster to deliver. Since the muscles, bones, and tissues have undergone stretching previously, it becomes easier for the baby to move through the birth canal in the successive delivery and also the womb contracts more strongly during labor. It usually takes less than an hour of pushing (2)

Second Pregnancy After Cesarean

An immediate pregnancy after a cesarean delivery might leave you exhausted. So it is advisable to wait for at least six months for second pregnancy after your first cesarean section. Waiting for 18 months between delivery and conception may give enough time for the body to heal completely, especially the cesarean section scar on the womb and replenish the lost nutrients (3).

A smaller gap might lead to an increased risk of complications such as premature birth, low birth weight of the baby, or a ruptured uterus.

Coping With Your Older Child During The Second Pregnancy

The idea of managing pregnancy while taking care of an older child can be overwhelming. While there are several things to consider before having a second child, talking to your older child and helping them understand what to expect and how to prepare for it could make matters simple (4).

  • Tell the child about a new one growing inside your womb, and encourage them to pat your bump, talk or sing to the baby.
  • Take them to prenatal check-ups, and let them also listen to the fetal heartbeat sometimes.
  • Mention about the baby frequently, but be careful not to go overboard lest they get jealous.
  • Involve them in shopping for the baby. Let them choose simpler things like clothes and toys for the little one.
  • While you do sensitize the older kid about the baby, make sure you spend some time with them. Go to a library or a park with them, or read some stories during bedtime.
  • Give them responsibility and tell them about the things to do when the newborn arrives. Explain how to comfort the baby while crying, helping with diaper changes, giving attention and more.
  • Tell the child that he or she will be a big brother/sister, and explain their role and importance in the family.

The idea is to make the older sibling feel loved and involved in important matters such as the arrival of the new baby.

Should You Stop Breastfeeding During Pregnancy?

There is no reason to stop breastfeeding while you are pregnant. Your body is capable of producing enough breast milk for the nursing infant as well as nourish the baby growing within. However, the breasts and nipples may become tender for some time. According to a systematic review of certain studies, breastfeeding is not likely to affect pregnancies and birth weight (5).

Also, the breasts start producing colostrum (thick milk that is produced towards the end of pregnancy), and your toddler may not like the taste of the milk. At this time, you might notice a drop in the milk intake by your older baby.

How Might Your Postpartum Recovery Differ During Second-time Pregnancy?

You will already know what to expect, and the ways to cope with the changes. Things that happened with your first delivery may not occur with the second birth. The labor also progresses faster, but it might take longer to get your normal body back after childbirth. In general, things might go smoother the second time since you will be aware of how to deal with them.

How To Prepare For Your Next Baby?

Here are some practical tips you may try for the transition from being a mother of one to a mother of two.

  • Arrange a family member or a babysitter to take care of your older child
  • Keep everything ready in the storage (such as old clothes, car seat, jumpers, bibs, burp rags) for the new arrival
  • Get the diaper bag ready before delivery
  • Pack a bag for your older child so that it is easy to carry when you go to the hospital
  • Check for the insurance policies
  • Stock up the household and personal essentials
  • Sterilize pacifiers and feeding bottles

Next, we answer a few common queries about second pregnancy symptoms.

1. Is leaking milk an early sign of second pregnancy?

Breast milk could leak early during the second pregnancy. The possibilities are likely to be high if you are still nursing the older baby.

2. How much weight should you gain with your second pregnancy?

According to the US Institute of Medicine (IOM), women of average weight before pregnancy should be gaining around 11.5 to 16kg during pregnancy (6). The ideal weight gain remains the same irrespective of which pregnancy it is. The weight gain during the second pregnancy could be more than that of the first pregnancy. But if you are already overweight, let the weight gain be modest to minimize the risk of developing other pregnancy-related complications like pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes.

3. Is it easier to predict your labor the second time?

There is no scientific validation to it. However, as you have already gone through labor before, you might be able to recognize the signals earlier than before.

Every pregnancy is special, so is the second one. However, a second pregnancy is associated with a bigger bump, painful breasts, increased fatigue, shorter labor, etc. Also, certain first pregnancy symptoms and complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes could reappear in a second pregnancy. Getting familiar with these experiences could help you cope better this time. Altogether, a second pregnancy is not completely different from the first and if you have any apprehensions, speak to your doctor to prevent any unfavorable pregnancy outcomes.

Infographic: Care Tips For Second Pregnancy

For most women, the pregnancy journey seems easier the second time; however, there are some essential factors to consider while pregnant with baby number two. Check out this infographic to learn critical aspects to help you have a safe and smooth pregnancy.

care tips for second pregnancy [infographic]

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team


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Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). She has been into health and... more

Dr Sachchidananda Maiti is a practising Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician in Manchester, UK both in the National Health Service (NHS) and in private care at Pall Mall Medical. He has had decades of clinical experience in the UK and abroad. He specializes in managing high risk early pregnancy complications and a variety of gynaecological conditions using ultrasound scan, colposcopy, laparoscope... more

Do pregnancy symptoms start earlier with second pregnancy?

Your second pregnancy is often different than your first. You might show sooner, feel more tired, have stronger or more frequent back pains, and notice Braxton Hicks contractions earlier.

What are the signs of 2nd pregnancy?

Some of those normal pregnancy symptoms you experienced last time may reappear, including:.
Frequent urination..
Morning sickness..
Food cravings and aversions..
Mood swings..
Nasal congestion..

How do I know if I am pregnant before missing period?

There's no way to know for certain if you're pregnant before missing your period other than taking a home pregnancy test. Some women do experience symptoms such as fatigue and nausea. These could be PMS symptoms, however. If you still aren't sure you're pregnant after taking a home test, see a doctor.