What day of the week has the most truck traffic

The Most Dangerous Time for Truck Accidents3 min read

by | Feb 9, 2018

Have you ever found yourself boxed in between large fast-moving trucks on a busy freeway? Perhaps you’ve looked in the review mirror while at a stop light only to see an oncoming truck that looks like it isn’t going to stop in time? Have you been startled by a loud truck noise that takes your attention away from the road? Most likely you have.

These scary scenarios happen to most of us far too often – usually midweek, during the day. In fact, this is the time that the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (based on U.S. Department of Transportation 2015 statistics) shows the highest rate of truck accidents.

Most Truck Accidents Occur between Noon and 3 P.M.

It seems like most truck accidents would happen when more cars are on the road during work rush hours, at night when visibility is lower, or on the weekend when most car accidents happen.

Surprisingly, the following statistics show the majority of truck accidents happen midday during the week:

  • 65 percent of truck accident related fatalities occurred between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., with the highest percentage of deaths during this time occurring noon to 3 p.m.
  • Nearly 18 percent (681 people) involved in truck accidents during this short, three-hour window lost their lives; nearly 22 percent were injured. Only 13 percent of crashes involving other vehicles other than trucks happened during this time.
  • The least amount of truck accident fatalities (305 deaths or 8 percent) occurred from midnight to 3 a.m.

Most Truck Accidents Happen on Thursdays

The weekends are known for having the most fatal crashes due to a high incidence of alcohol use; however, most truck accidents occur during the week when cargo transportation is highest. Also, trucks tend to travel at higher speeds midday than during heavy traffic hours when speed is prohibited by heavy congestion.

Statistics show that in 2015:

  • 83 percent of fatal truck accidents occurred Monday through Friday
  • Most of the fatal truck accidents (18 percent) occurred on Thursdays
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday each showed 17 percent of accidents

Tips on Avoiding a Truck Accident

  • Pay attention to the road at all times. Avoid eating, talking on or using a cell phone, navigation system or other gadget.
  • Always keep a safe distance from trucks. Speed up or slow down to give trucks more room. If you can’t see the truck driver in his/her side mirror, you’re following too closely.
  • Avoid pulling in front of a large truck when changing lanes. A 20,000-pound tractor-trailer probably won’t be able to stop fast enough if you are too close or have to suddenly stop for traffic.
  • Watch for flying debris coming from the truck. If you’re at a safe distance, you’ll more likely be able to avoid the flying objects; if not, it can break your windshield or force you to unsafely swerve or go off the road.

Truck Accident Reality: Share Your Thoughts

Do you have any thoughts on why truck accidents mostly happen during the workweek from noon – 3 p.m.? Perhaps you feel that many are caused by people rushing during their lunch hour or students driving erratically after school? Feel free to share your thoughts.

Fried Goldberg Helps Those Injured in Truck Accidents

If you’ve sustained serious injury or loss due to a negligent truck driver, please call Fried Goldberg at 877-591-1801 to speak to our team of experienced truck accident attorneys about how we can help.

What’s the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV)? Here’s the answer!

  • 1 What’s the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV)? Here’s the answer!
  • 2 Factors That Affect the Best Day to Drive
  • 3 The Best Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 4 Worst Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 5 Best Times of the Day to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 6 Worst Times of Day to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 7 Other Things to Consider
  • 8 Travel Insurance
  • 9 RV GPS Apps
  • 10 RV Lifestyle eBooks and Guides
  • 11 Looking for exciting RV trip ideas and travel suggestions?
    • 11.1 Join Our Community!

Is it time to set out on the great American road trip? Driving in the United States is almost like a rite of passage for some people. It is a great way to see different locations, from rural countryside to big cities.

You also encounter negative things, like traffic.

It does not matter what you drive: your own car, a rental car, giant RV, small RV, or camper van. You do not want to find yourself in poor driving conditions.

That is why I put together the following guide about the best day of the week to travel by car. It’ll tell you the best days and times to travel so that you can avoid gridlock and the headaches that come along with it. It can also help you avoid an accident, especially if this will be your first time taking a road trip.

Factors That Affect the Best Day to Drive

There are many factors that can impact the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV). Traffic and accident information is important, but we need to factor things like campground availability, too.

In addition, I have taken into consideration the best times to access gas stations, grocery stores, and hardware stores.

One great traffic and accident resource I pulled information from is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

The Best Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)

Best DAY to travel?

According to the statistics, the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV) is Wednesday. Tuesday is your second best choice.

When asking RVers when they like to travel, most cited Tuesday as the best day to drive. Monday was their second favorite day (probably because it’s the first day after a weekend stay).

No matter if you travel on Tuesday or Wednesday, there are some advantages. The traffic tends to be lighter in and around big cities on those days of the week.

Another reason is that there will be more availability at first-come, first-served campgrounds. Most crowds come nearer the weekend. You can be settled in and exploring the area before many of the other travelers arrive.

Another reason those days make great driving days are that most service shops and other stores are open midweek. If you have an emergency, it will be easier to get help. Or, if you need to pick up any forgotten items, you will be able to do so.

Worst Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)

Is this what you see on Saturdays?

According to the IIHS website, most fatal vehicle collisions occur on Saturday. The second most deadly day of the week is Friday, followed closely by Sunday.

Overall, the statistics show weekend driving is more dangerous than driving during the week. That is likely because more people are on the road during non-rush hour times.

They may also be embarking on long drives, or taking a scenic route, to travel somewhere. A long trip includes more gas stops or visits to historic sites. All of which can lead to higher fatigue levels.

Furthermore, weekends’ evenings tend to be more dangerous due to the increase of impaired drivers on the road. There are more people that drive drunk or under the influence of drugs than on weekdays. It is always a good idea to be a particularly defensive driver when traveling on weekend evenings!

On the weekends, people may have additional distractions, like children. Especially if they are driving the family to popular destinations. Family outings can cause longer stops, and overall longer days on the road, adding to parental fatigue.

When asked, RV owners tend to claim Sunday as the worst driving day. That is because the increased traffic can be nightmarish.

In addition, many businesses are closed on Sundays. Mechanic shops and stores tend to be closed those days, especially in small towns. An urgent matter on the open road may not be able to get addressed until Monday.

If traveling midweek is not possible for you, a great option may be to try and extend your weekend by a day. Traveling on Thursday or Monday can make for a safer and freer drive. If you are tied to travel on the weekends, a very good time to leave is in the early morning hours.

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Best Times of the Day to Travel by Car (or RV)

Travel in the morning if going west!

It is usually a good option to leave in the morning if possible. Any time between dawn and 10:00 am tends to be the most popular choices.

Consider where you are leaving from. If you must travel through a big city, think about what time of day you need to get around big city traffic.

For example, when driving north from San Diego, you do not want to arrive in the Los Angles area during rush hour traffic.

Something else to consider is the direction that you will be driving. Heading west provides you with a good reason to leave in the morning, That way you will not have the sun in your eyes!

When driving east, afternoon driving is one of the best things you can do to avoid the sun.

Worst Times of Day to Travel by Car (or RV)

Driving at night.

Overall, the worst time of day to travel is when it is dark outside. That includes both morning and night hours that do not have sunlight. Darkness comes with more impaired and fatigued drivers and colder temps that can worsen road conditions.

In addition, you want to consider when you will be hitting a big city. That way you can plan to avoid hitting their morning or evening rush hour traffic times.

Other Things to Consider

Now that you know the best day of the week to travel by car, here are some more things to consider.

Travel Insurance

While travel insurance might be an extra cost, it can cover you well in case of an emergency. Or, if you have to cancel some part of your trip due to extenuating circumstances.


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Here are some other helpful apps to help you avoid traffic jams.

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What day of the week has the least truck traffic?

Truck drivers are less likely to be on the road on the weekends. They move the most freight during the beginning of the week and wind down their hauling around Thursday or so. At this point in the week, drivers may be fatigued, pushing themselves to get home, and might be less alert to traffic conditions around them.

What time are most trucks on the road?

Truck Rush: Common Times for Truckers to Be on the Road.
1:00 am – 4:00 am. A lot of truckers prefer to drive at night, when there is less traffic on the road..
6:00 am – 10:00 am. ... .
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm..

What is the safest day of the week to drive?

According to the data, weekdays are much safer times to drive, with Tuesday being the safest. On the other hand, Fridays and Saturdays can be the most dangerous times to drive with the most amount of accidents.

What state has the most truck traffic?

Texas comes in at the top of the list with over 172,000 people employed as truck drivers. 15 of every 1000 jobs in Texas belongs to truckers.


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