What will you do when you have a problem with your boss best answer

When your boss isn’t good at giving you information or direction to do your job, you may need to have a conversation about the problem. Knowing how to talk to your boss about touchy subjects like this can make all the difference in whether your career soars or tanks. After analyzing the situation, develop a strategy for a private conversation and then tactfully lay out your concerns and propose solutions. Staying calm and positive during the meeting sets the stage for effectively addressing issues at work.

Analyze Your Role in the Problem

Conflicts between a boss and an employee may be the fault of one or both parties. The American Management Association suggests that employees should always ask themselves what they can do to improve a situation before blaming their boss for the problems they face at work. Identifying behaviors that you can change to improve the relationship is empowering. Avoid judgment; simply step back and take an objective look at the dynamics between you and your boss. Assess what may be contributing to this conflict with a supervisor.

Ask yourself if you’re outspoken or passive-aggressive when you see things differently. Do you welcome and accept constructive feedback? Can you talk about a problem without getting emotional and overreacting? Are you a high performer or treading on thin ice due to performance problems? Rocking the boat may not be a good idea if you are not meeting quotas or other fulfilling other measurable criteria.

Identify what you can do to enhance your communication with your supervisor. For example, you may need to work on being friendlier and less defensive. If you feel confident that you handle yourself professionally when interacting with your boss, then you can turn your attention to the problematic behaviors of your boss.

Recognize Signs of a Bad Boss

Toxic supervisors can be found in virtually all occupations and work settings. Misuse of power and authority can escalate if no checks and balances exist within the organization that hold supervisors accountable for their management style. Worse still, a narcisstic boss has limited interest in the feelings, needs or opinions of subordinates. In the mind of narcissists, their employees exist to make them look good.

You don’t need to be a psychologist to figure out that your boss is the problem if you and your coworkers recognize the common signs of a bad boss. Certain behaviors make any work situation challenging:

  • Huge ego that needs constant stroking
  • Feedback is limited to criticism
  • Nothing is ever good enough
  • Micromanages
  • Breaks rules
  • Expects blind loyalty

Develop a Strategy

The Working Nurse suggests differentiating between a "tough but fair" boss and a bully when adapting to a supervisor’s style. Tough bosses value high-performing employees, but bullies put them down due to their own insecurities. Dealing with a perfectionistic boss is trying but survival instincts kick in if the boss is a bully.

When the boss is the problem, don’t let yourself be intimidated or overwrought with anxiety. Develop coping strategies by setting boundaries. For example, if your boss criticizes you in front of other people, you can later talk to your boss about this problem with her. Calmly state that you value feedback on your performance but expect to have those discussions in private.

Choose the Right Time

Picking the right time to broach a sensitive subject with a boss is paramount to success, according to an article by executive coach May Busch. Most problems should be dealt with on the spot or shortly thereafter. Bringing up a problem before it becomes a big deal helps with addressing issues at work. Waiting until you’re at your wits end will only frustrate you and complicate possible solutions.

You can help your boss learn to communicate better by seeking needed clarification in a timely manner. Speak up if you’re confused by instructions or information you were given. Too often, employees leave a team meeting unsure of what the boss just said and erroneously guess at what they’re supposed to do next. The results often fall short of the supervisor’s expectations, and employees feel deflated.

Reframe the Problem

You can reduce the risk of offending your boss by reframing the problem you’re experiencing. First, define what the boss is doing that is making your life more difficult. Then ask yourself what you need from your boss. Lastly, identify a possible solution. You can use this formula for framing your conversation with your supervisor in a way that does not trigger defensiveness:

  • Your high standards motivate me to do my best.
  • To help me be successful, I need clarification on my new assignment to ensure that my priorities match yours.
  • I would like to discuss priorities and the direction you would like me to take before I jump into the project with both feet.

Asking directly for what you want can improve understanding and communication. Even if the boss denies your request, at least you can feel good about advocating for yourself instead of playing the role of a victim. Speaking up is particularly important if your demanding boss has high expectations but provides little direction.

Communicate in a Positive Tone

Inc. asserts that employees do not risk professional suicide when they disagree with their boss or bring up problems. In fact, Inc. suggests that most successful supervisors appreciate employees who are open, honest and transparent about what they’re thinking and feeling. Loyal but upfront employees tend to be trusted and tapped for promotions.

Using a positive tone and speaking in a calm manner is essential when bringing up what a boss might be doing that is causing problems for you and others in the workplace. Be respectful and acknowledge ways that the boss is otherwise helpful and supportive. Relate the issue to your shared goals and a mutual desire to see the company thrive.

Indirectly Voice Concerns

Voicing frustration with a boss may be too risky if you’re afraid of retaliation. As an alternative, you can use a roundabout way of telling the boss that she is the problem, suggests CNBC. Instead of direct confrontation, ask strategic questions that will lead your supervisor to that self-revelation. This technique puts supervisors on notice that their communication may lack specificity or congruence:

  • Can you better explain…
  • Did you mean to say….
  • What outcome are you anticipating?
  • How can I organize my work to accomplish this in two days?

If the technique doesn’t work as well as hoped, consider asking trusted colleagues for some tips especially if your performance appraisals aren’t going well. Start the conversation by stating that “the boss is not happy with my performance” and then explain what you’re not getting from the boss that you need to be successful. Ask their advice on what you can do to connect with your boss.

Present a Practical Solution

Have a solution in your pocket before bringing concerns to the attention of your boss even if you think the boss is the problem. Employees who vocalize problems without offering suggestions risk being dismissed as complainers, according to U.S. News & World Report. Focusing on solutions puts a positive spin on the discussion. When approached in this manner, a boss is more likely to listen and agree to the proposed resolution.

For example, if your boss never compliments you and only talks to you about your performance when there’s a problem, you could explain that you’re looking for constructive feedback that will help you improve and grow with the company. Consider requesting a regular performance review.

What you will do when you have a problem with your boss?

Try one or more of these tips to find some common ground with your boss—or at least stay sane until you find a new gig..
Make Sure You're Dealing With a “Bad Boss” ... .
Identify Your Boss' Motivation. ... .
Don't Let it Affect Your Work. ... .
Stay One Step Ahead. ... .
Set Boundaries. ... .
Stop Assuming They Know Everything. ... .
Act as the Leader..

How do you answer Have you ever had a conflict with your boss?

The best approach to answering this question: Talk briefly about the conflict, but focus on the resolution of the conflict. Give an actual example of a resolved conflict, walking through the situation which brought up the conflict, what actions you took to resolve the conflict and the end result.

How do you deal with a difficult boss interview question?

Key Takeaways.
Keep it positive: Share your experience objectively. ... .
Brief is best: Explain the situation, then the resolution, along with anything you learned from the experience without rambling..
Share how you handled the issue: Interviewers will be looking for your communication and conflict-resolution abilities..