Best way to clean washer and dryer

Best way to clean washer and dryer

Washer dryers are arguably one of the most useful appliances you can purchase for your home. They do the work of two appliances while taking up half the space. They also save the time and energy needed to swap clothes between machines, and the upfront purchasing cost will likely be less, too.

However, as with any appliance, if they aren’t properly maintained you may find their life expectancy reduces dramatically.

We’re going to show you what you can do to help keep your washer dryer in tip-top condition. We’ll also look into common issues that can occur and how to make sure you’re using your machine properly.

How Do You Clean a Washer Dryer?

Let’s start this section with how often you should clean your washer dryer. You want to make sure you’re deep cleaning your machine at least once a year to ensure all of the lint, dust, and other dirt and grime is removed. Failing to do this can cause a blockage that can prevent it from working effectively. Here’s how to deep clean your washer dryer:

  1. Set your washer to the hottest and longest wash setting available.
  2. Place two cups of vinegar in the drum.
  3. Add a quarter cup of baking soda.
  4. Start the cycle.
  5. Once the cycle is done you need to scrub around the inside of the drum with a quarter cup of water using a sponge.
  6. Dry the inside of your machine.

It won’t take you long to deep clean your appliance using the guide above, but it can help extend its lifespan.

Best way to clean washer and dryer

It’s also recommended that you lightly clean your machine on a regular basis. When you’re giving your washer dryer a light clean look for the following:

  • Lint inside the drum. A build-up of lint can cause a clog in your vent or drum.
  • If your machine has a lint trap, remove this and wipe down.
  • Use a vent cleaning brush to remove any dust, lint, or other debris from the vent itself, the hose attachment, and the inside of the vent opening.
  • Any debris on the door seal.
  • Any residue within the detergent tray.
  • Dye or stain marks within the drum. Make sure to remove these as soon as you spot them to prevent them transferring onto the next load of laundry.

If you live in a hard water area we recommend running a cycle of hot water with 3.8 litres of white vinegar either once a month or every 10 loads – whichever comes first. This will prevent limescale build-up which can eventually damage the inside of the machine.

When it comes to the exterior of your washer dryer you will want to wipe this down with a damp sponge once a month. This may not improve performance, but it will keep it looking great.

Best way to clean washer and dryer

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How Do You Repair a Washer Dryer?

Keeping your machine clean greatly reduces the chance that any serious problems will occur, but as with all machines things can, and do, still go wrong. Here’s a rundown of some of the most common problems to affect washer dryers.

Your Dryer Cycles Aren’t Hot

So, you’re using the dryer function of your machine but the air seems to be cool. Why isn’t your dryer cycle hot? This problem is more common in vented washer dryers as the vent can get blocked or clogged, preventing the air from reaching temperature. To remedy this, you need to thoroughly clean and wipe all aspects of the vent, including the grill and inside the vent itself.

If the problem continues, consult a professional.

Your Washer Dryer is Leaking

Everything seems to be working correctly but there’s still a pool of water surrounding your machine after every cycle. This can be very frustrating, but there is often a solution that doesn’t involve replacing your appliance. Leaks commonly originate from a faulty seal, hose, or pump on your washer dryer, so we advise inspecting these first.

Check the hose to ensure that there are no holes or damaged areas. Then, check the seal around the door of your appliance to make sure it closes securely and isn’t damaged.

  • If you’re not sure what to look for, or you find a problem that you’re not comfortable fixing, then we recommend consulting a professional to avoid further damage to your machine.

Where Should I Position My Washer Dryer?

Where you place your washer dryer may not seem important, but you’d be surprised at the difference this makes.

Ensure your machine is sat on a perfectly flat surface (use a spirit level to be absolutely sure). If you position your unit on an uneven surface it can move whilst running a cycle. This can damage the base of the washer dryer and some of the parts within – not to mention the damage it can do to your floor.

If you follow the tips above you can keep your washer dryer running smoothly for as long as possible. If you encounter any issues that aren’t on this list, and you aren’t sure of the best approach to deal with the situation, then consult a professional to assist you. We’ve answered a number of other questions you may have in our Washer Dryer FAQs article.

How do I deep clean my washing machine?

Fill the drum with a ½ cup of baking soda and a quart of vinegar and run a wash cycle containing just a couple of clean hand towels (many manufacturers don't recommend running the washer completely empty). Use the hottest water setting, largest load size, and the longest wash cycle.

What do I clean washer and dryer with?

Next, fill the empty washing machine with hot water and one cup of bleach, let it sit for an hour, and then run a long cleaning cycle. Once the cycle is complete, refill the washer with hot water and add one to two cups of vinegar, let it sit, and then run the machine through another cleaning cycle.

What cleans a washing machine best?

Run an empty, regular cycle on hot, using two cups of white vinegar instead of detergent. Add the vinegar to the detergent dispenser. (Don't worry about harming your machine, as white vinegar will not damage clothes.) The hot water-vinegar combo removes and prevents bacteria growth.