How to get blue sticky tack off walls

Blu Tack, commonly known as Sticky tack, is ideal for putting up posters, holding photo frames in place, and hanging decorative items without the need to drill or make holes in the wall. However, removing leftover Blu Tack is a complex operation, and you’re more often than not left with a sticky, difficult-to-clean mess. The oils in the Blu Tack can leave some unsightly stains. The good news is that we’ve discovered several simple techniques for removing Blu Tack without damaging your paint or wallpaper.

Use Blu Tack to blot it

Blu-Tack can leave weird tiny lumps of Blu-Tack about the area if it does not come away clean. Fortunately, extra Blu-Tack can generally fix this.

Using the Blu-Tack that you removed, try blotting the area. It will be more challenging to remove the straggler blobs if the Blu-Tack is warm and mushy. Place the Blu-Tack in the freezer until it hardens, then blot the affected area once again. Make sure you don’t peel the Blu-Tack away too rapidly, or you’ll risk ripping the paint off the wall, which we don’t want.

Use a Citrus Stain Remover

Blu-Tack has a bad habit of leaving an oily stain behind, but this is readily remedied using a citrus-based stain remover. You may use a commercially available citrus-based chemical cleaner or create your own using white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, lemon juice, and water if you don’t have access to one.

Apply the solution to the stain with a clean sponge (or cotton bud for minor areas), wait a few minutes, and wipe away with a clean towel. It’s always a good idea to test any cleaning solutions on a tiny, inconspicuous part of the wall first to ensure they won’t harm your paint.

Magic Eraser

If you don’t have any citrus stain remover on hand, a Magic Eraser will suffice.To remove the stain, wet the corner of the Magic Eraser and gently brush it against the spot in circular strokes. You’re done when you dry the area with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Washing Up Liquid

With a small amount of washing-up liquid and an old toothbrush, stubborn Blu-Tack discoloration may be erased. Moisten a scrubbing brush or an old toothbrush with some washing-up liquid and work the liquid into the stain in tiny, circular strokes. First, test the approach on a tiny, hidden paint area to ensure that it won’t harm your paint.

Wipe the area with a clean, moist towel once you’ve cleared the stain. It’s conceivable that if you leave a cleaning agent on paint for too long, it’ll lighten it, so make sure you wipe away any residue and moisture before leaving the area.

Last Resort

If the stain has been left to sit for an extended period, none of the treatments listed below may be able to remove it.

Blu-Tack staining is highly oily, and if it seeps too far into the paint, it can leave a stain that is impossible to remove. In this scenario, sanding and repainting the damaged area may be your best alternative.

Step 1: Sand the wall

So that you don’t wind up with an uneven wall, sand back the area before you paint. It will be simpler to prime and paint over the area after removing the oily stains and any remaining Blu-Tack. Choose sandpaper with a grit of 120 or higher. This will make it easier to prime and paint the wall since it will be smoother.

If there is a lot of dust on the floor, wipe it off with a wet wipe or a moist cloth before continuing.

Step 2: Primer

Apply a thin coat of primer over the area using a tiny roller or brush. Apply the primer in short, smooth strokes over an area that is broader and higher than the stain. A home improvement business can recommend a primer if you don’t already have one.

Step 3: Sand the primer down

After the primer has dried completely, sand the area with the same sandpaper used in the previous step. Varying primers require different drying times, which are generally specified on the box.

Because the primer will create the final surface you will paint, it must be as smooth and even as possible. Make careful to wipe away any dust that has clung to the surface once again.

Step 4: Paint:

Choose paint that is the same color and finish as the one on the wall. If your wall was painted with bathroom and kitchen paint, you must use the same type. Brushes are made for various types of paint, and choosing the right brush can help you get the greatest results.

Slowly roll it outwards from the edges.

Suppose you only need to remove a small amount of sticky or obstinate Blu-Tack without hurting your wall. In that case, you may typically do so without using any chemical cleansers.

The best technique to get rid of obstinate Blu-Tack is to roll it away from the edges. This way, you won’t have to take off any paint or wallpaper, and you won’t have to worry about leaving a sticky or greasy behind.

Begin rolling from the top and work your way down into a cylinder. It’s as easy as it appears!


In conclusion, if you’re looking to get rid of Blu Tack stains from the wall without damaging the paint or wallpaper, arm your paint. A citrus stain remover will work too and is a great option for those who don’t have any on hand. You can also try a Magic Eraser, which is great for removing stains off walls.

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Does Blu Tack take paint off walls?

Blu-tack can pull the paint and even the wallpaper off the walls. It can also leave grease marks and in some cases the tack dries so hard, it can't easily be removed without causing some damage.

How do you dissolve Blu Tack?

White vinegar is a great remedy for carpet and rug maintenance. Its mild acidity is capable of removing blu tack from your flooring material.